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At A Quality Office, Which Types Of Procedures For Full Mouth Reconstructions In Stuart, FL Can I Get Treated With?

Dr. Michael Sohl Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry

An image of a dentist holding a dental implant model to show a dental patient.

Date: Jan. 5th

At A Quality Office, Which Types Of Procedures For Full Mouth Reconstructions In Stuart, FL Can I Get Treated With?

Sometimes, people will have multiple oral health issues that they need to get treated. In such cases, they should get treated with full mouth reconstructions in Stuart, FL. Full mouth reconstruction procedures restore the functional and health aspects of people's teeth, bone, and gums, giving them an aesthetically enhanced new smile. Interested in learning about the specific types of full mouth reconstruction procedures people can restore their smile with? Here are the types of full mouth reconstruction procedures people can get treated with.

The Types Of Procedures You Can Get Treated With For Your Full Mouth Reconstructions In Stuart, FL

At a skilled and trusted doctor's office, the types of full mouth reconstruction procedures people can get treated with are tooth extractions, bone grafting, root canals, teeth whitening, BOTOX and dermal fillers, porcelain veneers, tooth crowns, dental implants, occlusal adjustments, guided tissue regenerations, and soft tissue laser recontouring. The following goes into more detail about how each full mouth reconstruction procedure restores the patient's smile:

Tooth Extractions:

Tooth extractions are a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure that is used to remove one or more teeth that have become damaged or problematic beyond repair. This may be due to extensive tooth decay, infection, or crowding. After the tooth extraction procedure has been performed, the patient's tooth pain will be alleviated, further oral complications will be prevented, and they will be able to fill the gap of their missing tooth with a dental implant.

Bone Grafting:

When people get treated with bone grafting for their full mouth reconstruction procedure, the doctor will use bone graft material, which can either be from the patient's own body or from synthetic material, to foster new bone growth. Bone grafting is particularly beneficial for patients who have lost bone density due to periodontal disease or due to a missing tooth. A successful bone grafting procedure can provide a sturdy foundation for dental implants, ensuring their longevity and stability, thereby restoring the functionality and aesthetics of the patient's smile.

Root Canals:

A root canal is a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure that is commonly used to treat teeth that have been severely infected or decayed from the inside. During a root canal procedure, the pulp (the soft inner part of the tooth which contains nerves and blood vessels) is carefully removed, the inside of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, and then it is sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Root canal procedures will not only alleviate tooth pain, they will also preserve the integrity of the natural tooth, preventing it from needing to be extracted or replaced with a tooth replacement option.

Teeth Whitening:

Teeth Whitening is a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure aimed at enhancing the appearance of the patient's smile. This procedure is typically used to treat teeth that have been discolored or stained due to a variety of factors, such as consumption of certain foods and beverages, smoking, or because of the natural aging process. The teeth whitening procedure involves the application of a whitening agent, which penetrates the tooth enamel to reach the discolored molecules inside. The whitening agent reacts with the discolored molecules, breaking them apart, and thereby lightening the color of the teeth. The result of a successful teeth whitening procedure is the patient have a brighter, more radiant smile, which can enhance their overall appearance and boost their self-confidence.

BOTOX and Dermal Fillers:

BOTOX and dermal fillers are two types of dental aesthetic procedures that can complement a full mouth reconstruction, giving patients an overall refreshed and rejuvenated new smile. BOTOX, a neurotoxin, is utilized in dentistry to alleviate symptoms of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, bruxism (teeth grinding), and even to relieve "gummy smiles." It works by temporarily restricting the movements of specific muscles, providing relief from pain and tension. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, are used to restore lost volume and smooth wrinkles in the face. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be used to sculpt the lips, smooth out nasolabial folds (the lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth), and even to contour the jawline. Both BOTOX and dermal fillers are safe, non-surgical full mouth reconstruction procedures.

Porcelain Veneers:

Porcelain veneers are a type of cosmetic full mouth reconstruction procedure that can significantly enhance the appearance of a patient's smile. Veneers are thin shells made of high-quality and durable porcelain material that are custom-fit and bonded to the front surface of the patient's teeth. They are typically used to correct a variety of dental aesthetic issues, such as stained, chipped, misaligned, or unevenly spaced teeth. The porcelain veneer is custom made so that its color, shape, and size look natural in the patient's smile.

Tooth Crowns:

Tooth crowns are a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure that are used to restore the form, function, and aesthetics of people's damaged or decayed teeth. These fixed prosthetic devices are cemented onto existing teeth or dental implants, and fully cover the part of the tooth visible above the gum line. Tooth crowns are often recommended to people when they have a large cavity that threatens the ongoing health of their tooth, or to strengthen a tooth after it has been treated with a root canal. A tooth crown can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, resin, or metal, and are designed to look and feel like natural teeth. Tooth crowns can significantly improve a patient's smile by restoring the shape, size, and strength of their teeth.

Dental Implants:

A dental implant is a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure that is used to replace one or more missing teeth or severely infected teeth. Composed of a dental implant post, abutment, and prosthesis (tooth crown), dental implants can restore the look, function, and health of a patient's smile.

Occlusal Adjustments:

An occlusal adjustment is a full mouth reconstruction procedure performed to correct the alignment of a patient's bite. The term 'occlusal' refers to the way upper and lower teeth come together when the mouth is closed, commonly known as the bite. Sometimes, due to various reasons like uneven teeth, crowns, fillings, or tooth extractions, this bite can become misaligned, leading to issues such as difficulty in chewing, jaw pain, tooth sensitivity, and even headaches. During an occlusal adjustment procedure, the doctor will identify the high spots or uneven contacts in the bite and gently reshape the surfaces of those teeth. An occlusal adjustment process helps to distribute the patients biting forces evenly, giving them better oral health and comfort.

Dental Implants:

A dental implant is a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure that is used to replace one or more missing teeth or severely infected teeth. Composed of a dental implant post, abutment, and prosthesis (tooth crown), dental implants can restore the look, function, and health of a patient's smile.

Guided Tissue Regenerations:

Guided tissue regeneration is a type of full mouth reconstruction procedure aimed at regenerating lost periodontal structures, such as the bone, periodontal ligament, and connective tissue attachment that support the teeth. This is accomplished by placing a barrier membrane between the gum tissue and the tooth's root surface. This membrane is carefully designed to allow the slower-growing periodontal cells to migrate into the wound area and regenerate, while blocking the faster-growing cells of the gum tissue from doing so. Guided tissue regeneration essentially "guides" the regrowth of new bone and connective tissue at the sites where they are needed. This procedure is often recommended for patients with periodontal disease, where there has been bone loss or for those who require dental implants but lack the necessary bone support.

Soft Tissue Laser Recontouring:

Soft tissue laser recontouring, also known as gum reshaping or gum contouring, is a full mouth reconstruction procedure that aims to even out an uneven gum line, providing patients with a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing new smile. This treatment can be particularly beneficial for patients that have a "gummy smile" - a condition where the gums cover a large portion of the teeth, making them appear shorter. The procedure involves the doctor using a specialized dental laser to safely and precisely remove the patients excess gum tissue, or to restore gum tissue in areas of recession. The laser also promotes the coagulation of blood, which significantly reduces bleeding and swelling, while also minimizing the risk of infection. Moreover, it aids in the stimulation of new tissue growth. One of the primary benefits of a soft tissue laser recontouring procedure, is that it can be completed in a single visit with minimal discomfort and recovery time. The outcome is the patient having a more proportionate and visually appealing new smile that boosts their self-confidence and overall oral health.

See Us Now So We Can Treat You With Restorative Full Mouth Reconstruction Procedures

Why wait to restore your smile with our full mouth reconstruction procedures? Get in contact with Dr. Michael Sohl and our exceptional team at our Dr. Michael Sohl Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry practice to schedule an appointment today!

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When you trust your smile to Dr. Michael Sohl, you get experienced, innovative care from one of the nation's leading cosmetic dentists. He can restore your smile and eliminate painful or embarrassing dental issues. Schedule a consultation to begin your journey to a balanced, beautiful smile today.